
manifestos manifest

"a specter is haunting europe...": the beginning line of the first (and most famous) manifesto.  written in 1848, marx's communist manifesto set the tone for manifestos to follow...

here are some links to other manifestos (besides the ones in the conrads book) that might be interesting...
  • look closely at the tone, the direction, the aims, the attacks, etc.  
  • notice that these people are waging an attack on something that they see as being terribly wrong... 
  • note the passion with which they write.
  • look at the metaphors that they use to describe the current conditions and solutions
shouldn't you feel this strong about something?
and this one is an interesting one... if you really want write a manifesto

now... its your turn...  and post them on your blogs for the world to see your thoughts!  make your manifestos manifest!

workers of the world unite!

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